Spectacle “Une Femme Nouée” par la compagnie BoisTonThé
Cie BoisTonThé will perform Catherine Gomez Crouvizier's UNE FEMME NOUéE for the last time this year on Saturday November 9th, 8:30pm, at Abbaye Royale de Bourgueil.
Sylvie and her sister reunite after the death of their father. Thirty years have passed since the latter abruptly left the family home. She discovers a troubling Sylvie, with one question on her mind: was she ever happy?
The duo return to the past, both recent and distant, and shed light on Sylvie's "knots" and secrets. A journey that leads to liberation.
Full adult price : 10,00€
Discount rate : 8,00€
- Reservation required