Santiagode Compostela by bike
Santiago de Compostela by bike
Santiago de Compostela by bike
Between Rambouillet and Châtellerault via Tours, the 380kms of the Voie Jacquaire are the most popular by cyclists thanks to its low difference in height
Discover Touraine, by the «Via Turonenis» (lane of Tours) along the Brenne in the direction of the Vouvray vineyard, before going straight south towards the valley of the Vienne.
To prepare your itinerary:
Document de présentation de la voie
Cartes de l’itinéraire par étape
Dynamic maps:
Entre Chartres et Tours
Entre Tours et Poitiers
The tourist steps not to miss in the lands of Azay-Chinon Val de Loire
- La forteresse de Montbazon
- The church of Sainte-Catherine-de-Fierbois, where Jeanne d’Arc found her sword;
- Les Passerelles à Sainte-Maure-de-Touraine (discovery of this famous goat cheese);
- La maison du souvenir de Maillé, village marked by the 2nd world war;
- the village of Pussigny which welcomes each year an exhibition of “large size” paintings fixed to the walls of its small streets